Вот такую невозможную красоту я буду шить !:
копирую к себе,чтобы не потерять..вроде бы простые блоки,но как эффектно смотрится в изделии...потрясающе!
Our first unit – we are heading headlong into TRI RECS!
These units will measure 3-1/2" unfinished and finish at 3" in the quilt.
And we are making these in two color ways:

копирую к себе,чтобы не потерять..вроде бы простые блоки,но как эффектно смотрится в изделии...потрясающе!
Our first unit – we are heading headlong into TRI RECS!
These units will measure 3-1/2" unfinished and finish at 3" in the quilt.
And we are making these in two color ways:
Orange Background Neutral Background
I’m just going to refer to the quilt sizes as SMALL and LARGE.
For the SMALL Quilt, you will need 92 units with Orange backgrounds and blue side triangles, and 96 with Neutral backgrounds and blue side triangles.
For the LARGE Quilt you will need 140 units with Orange backgrounds and blue side triangles, and 240 with Neutral Backgrounds and blue side triangles.
To use the Tri Recs Rulers:
Base Triangle:
From 3-1/2” strips, and using the 3-1/2” line on the ruler, cut 92 Orange, and 96 Neutral background triangles for the SMALL quilt, and 140 Orange, and 240 Neutral for the Large quilt.
Star Point triangles:
Because we need half of the star points as LEFT and the other half as RIGHT, we need to cut these triangles with fabrics placed right sides together.
Lefties turn the ruler face down and cut from the right end of the strip like this!
Using 3-/2” strips and the 3-1/2” line on the ruler, cut out triangles in matched pairs as shown. With fabrics right sides together, every cut will yield you matched pairs.
Notice the small angled spot at the tip of the star point triangle – it’s a placement guide! DO trim this, or you won’t have any idea where or how to place the unit correctly for sewing!
For the SMALL quilt cut 188 PAIRS of triangles ((that’s 188 left facing and 188 right facing)) from blue fabrics.
For the LARGE quilt cut 380 PAIRS of triangles ((that’s 380 left facing and 380 right facing)) from blue fabrics.
The videos below will help you! One for cutting, one for piecing!
Sew all the right hand star point triangles to the right side of the base triangle as shown, matching the trimmed notch with the bottom edge of the base triangle. Sew from the flat top of the base triangle down off the point. Gently press seam toward the star point triangle just added.
Remember – ALL of the fabrics in this quilt are scrappy. As many as you want, we are just playing by color families here!
Place left hand star point against the left side of the base triangle, matching edges and having the trimmed notch even with the bottom edge of the base triangle. The dog ears at the top of the triangle should align. Sew from the bottom of the base triangle up to the top, to keep your smallest triangle on top of your work. Gently press.
Trim dog ears even with the sides of the square. These units should measure 3-1/2” by 3-1/2” square. If the are narrower than they are tall – your seam allowance is likely too wide.
Trim dog ears even with the sides of the square. These units should measure 3-1/2” by 3-1/2” square. If the are narrower than they are tall – your seam allowance is likely too wide.
Unit with orange background!
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